We, the staff of the 1955 TROJAN, proudly dedicate this annual to the citizens of Cassia County, who made possible the construction of the new High School. They have been effective in giving every student greater opportunities for learning so that he will be better prepared to go forward into the future. Without the untiring patronage and munificence of these people, it would not be possible to have the school that we have today. We sincerely wish to extend a token of appreciation to those individuals who have so unselfishly given of their time and efforts to the interests and advancements of Raft River High.
Though time will pass and we shall part, this book will be an unbreakable link in your chain of memories. And if, when looking through these pages you relive the happy days of yesteryears for just a while, our efforts will not have been in vain.
-The Staff
Annual Staff
Editor – Carole Cahoon
Assistant Editor – Anne Udy
Business Manager – Chester Bishop
Assistant Business Manager – Jerry Baker
Art Editor – Delilah Durfee
Sports Editor – Kay Harper
Advisor – Mr. Miller
Mr. Miller – Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry, English I
Mr. Hepworth – Biology, General Science, English IV, Speech
Mr. Shaw – Athletics, PE, Typing, History
Mr. Allred – Ag I, II, III, IV
Mrs. Neddo – Home Ec, Girls’ PE, English II
Mr. Coltrin – Chorus, World History, Sociology
Mrs. Smith – Cook
Mrs. Wake – Cook
Mrs. Barlow – Cook
Mr. Carnahan – Janitor
Senior Class of 1955
President – Jay Harper
Vice President – Renee Eames
Secretary and Treasurer – Sherrel Taylor
Reporter – Elaine Ward
Delbert Bell
FFA 1,2,3,4
“R” Club 3,4
Athletics 2,3,4
Chorus 1,3,4
Delilah Durfee
Pep Club 1,2,3,4
Band 1,2,3,4
Annual Staff 3,4
Pep Club President 4
PE 1,2,3
Chorus 1,2,3,4
Paper Staff 2
J.S. Barlow
“R” Club 1,2,3,4
FFA 1,2,3,4
Chorus 2,3,4
Band 2,3
Carole Cahoon
Pep Club 1,2,3,4
Chorus 3,4
PE 1,2,3,4
Annual Staff 3
Annual Editor 4
FHA Secretary 4
Student Body Secretary 3
Pep Club Secretary 2
Class Secretary 1
Chester Bishop
“R” Club 1,2,3,4
Chorus 1,3,4
Athletics 1,2,3,4
FFA 1,2,3,4
Annual Staff 3,4
Class Vice President 3
Paper Staff 2,3
FFA Reporter 2
Patricia Hall
Chorus 1,2,3,4
PE 2,3
Pep Club 2,3,4
Duane Bessire
Student Body Vice President 3
Student Body President 4
“R” Club 3,4
Athletics 3,4
Band 2,3,4
Renee Eames
Pep Club 1,2,3,4
Chorus 1,4
Class Vice President 4
PE 1,2,4
Band 1,2,3,4
Herman Bronson
“R” Club 3,4
Ag 1,2,3,4
Band 1,2,3,4
Chorus 1,2,3,4
Chorus President 4
Glenada Jones
Pep Club 1,2,3,4
PE 1,2,3
Chorus 1,2,3
Rulon Carnahan
“R” Club 2,3,4
Chorus 1,3
Athletics 1,2,3,4
Carole Holdaway
Pep Club 4,
Chorus 3,4
FHA 1,2,4
Chorus Secretary 4
Ruth Rasmussen
Pep Club 2,3,4
PE 2,3
Chorus 1,2,4
Thales Wake
Athletics 2,3,4
“R” Club 2,3,4
Eugene Ward
“R” Club 2,3,4
FFA 1,2,3,4
FFA Secretary 3
Band 3,4
Chorus 1,2,3,4
Athletics 2,3,4
Kathryn Paskett
Chorus 1,2,3,4
Paper Staff 3
Paper Editor 4
Pep Club 2,3,4
PE 2,3
Elaine Ward
Cheerleader 2,3,4
Class Secretary 2
Pep Club Treasurer 3
Class Reporter 4
Student Body Vice President 4
Band 1,2,3,4
Chorus 1,4
PE 1,2
Dramatics 3
Chapter Sweetheart 4
Kay Harper
Athletics 1,2,3,4
Chorus 1,2,3,4
Band 1,2,3,4
“R” Club 1,2,3,4
FFA 1,2,3,4
FFA President 4
Dramatics 2,3
Janet Whiting
Pep Club 3,4
Chorus 3,4
FHA 2,4
Paper Staff 4
Vice President Pep Club 4
PE 1,3
Donna Taylor
Pep Club 1,2,3,4
Chorus 3,4
Class Vice President 2
Class Reporter 3
Dramatics 2
Cheerleader 2,3,4
FHA President 4
Jay Harper
Class President 1,2,3,4
Chorus 1,2,3,4
Band 1,2,3,4
“R” Club 1,2,3,4
“R” Club Secretary 2,3
FFA 1,2,3,4
FFA Vice President 4
Sherrel Taylor
Pep Club 1,2,3,4
PE 1,2,3,4
Majorette 4,
Chorus 1,2,3,4
Band 1,2,3,4
Paper Staff 3
Class Secretary 4
Dramatics 3
Junior Class of 1956
President – Jerry Baker
Vice President – Syrel Galliher
Secretary Treasurer – Bonna Jardine
Reporters – Joyce Baker, Junior Edwards
[x_columnize]Jerry Baker – The kid with the rip in his pants
Jo Ann Barrett – Some girls are quiet, some sober, but JoAnn is just–JoAnn!
Joyce Baker – She doesn’t mean all that she says.
Curtis Durfee – “I’ll run away until I’m bigger and then I’ll fight.”
Helen Hitt – Her mind is like the moon; there is always a man in it
Karen Holtman – “There’s a time for all things, Karen.”
Syrel Galliher – A chip on the shoulder indicates that there’s wood higher up.
Bonna Jardine – As merry as the day is long
Junior Edwards – Argue, argue, early and late, if a line were crooked, he’d argue it straight
Larry Lloyd – A faith heart never won a fair lady
Jeanette Lloyd – A blush is beautiful, but sometimes inconvenient
Nolen Oman – Still water runs deep
Melba Neddo – Absent but not forgotten
Anne Udy – She’s studying hard, for an M R S degree that is
Merlin Taylor – Trouble is usually produced by those who don’t produce anything else
Sophomore class of 1957
President – Orvil Sears
Vice President – Hal Neddo
Secretary Treasurer – Delma Wight
Reporter – Irene Bell
[x_columnize]Wayne Baker
Irene Bell
Jackie Hutchison
Flora Gale Hall
Merle Lloyd
Janis Lloyd
Hal Neddo
Cheryl Rigby
Larry Neddo
Robert Felhman
Rochelle Thompson
Orville Sears, Jr.
Bonita Tracy
Larry Kempton
Bobbie Jean Wake
Darlene Wake
Seldon Darrow
Robert Sanders
Joyce Whiting
Paul Ward
Delma Wight
Freshman Class of 1958
President – Gar Elison
Vice President – Vera Taylor
Secretary Treasurer – Vermoyne Beecher
Reporter – Genevieve Paskett
[x_columnize]Kerma Barlow
Billy Barrett
Vermoyne Beecher
Gloria Brackenbury
Gerald Bronson
Georgia Darrington
Gerry Durfee
Larry Edwards
Joan Eames
Linda Durfee
Gar Elison
Nelda Edwards
Morris Hall
Genevieve Paskett
Norval Hall
Jerry Hitt
Marva Rice
Clark Holdaway
Eldon John
Jean Sanders
Glen Olsen
Kay Simplot
Kenny Richens
Helen Smith
Vera Taylor
Brent Udy
Beverly Warr
Kay Udy
Ivan Bishop
Sharon Whitaker
Milo Tracy
Dennis Ward
– Organizations –
Student Council
Jerry Baker, Junior Class Rep.; Mr. Miller, Advisor: Duane Bessire, President; Elaine Ward, Vice President; Anne Udy, Secretary; Jay Harper, Senior Class Rep.; Orvil Sears, Sophomore Class Rep.; Bonna Jardine, Band President; Kay Harper, FFA President; Herman Bronson, Chorus President; Kathryn Paskett, Paper Editor; Robert Sanders, “R” Club President; Gar Elison, Freshman Class Rep.; Delilah Durfee, Pep Club President; Carole Cahoon, Annual Editor.
The school year is drawing to an end, a year full of pleasant memories; memories of some of the most valued days in our lives at Raft River High. As we look back upon the 1954-55 school days, many high lights arise that can not be forgotten. Among these are an active chorus and band, outstanding athletic teams, and assemblies give by classes and organizations thought the year. Student Council tried, to the best of its ability, to meet and pass those things that were essential for the successful functioning of the school. One of the outstanding accomplishments of the Student Council was the passage of a new and up-to-date constitution. I would like to express appreciation to Mr. Miller for the guidance he gave to Student Council. In behalf of the Student Body, I would like to congratulate the faculty as a whole for the fine job of administration which they displayed thought the year.
Student Body President – Duane Besssire
Pep Club
Delilah Durfee, President
Janet Whiting, Vice President
Rochelle Thompson, Secretary
Elaine Ward
Joyce Whiting
Donna Taylor
President, Kay Harper
Vice president, Jay Harper
Secretary, Curtis Durfee
President, Donna Taylor
Vice President, Karen Holtman
Secretary, Carole Cahoon
Paper Staff
Editor – Kathryn Paskett
Assistant Editor – Bonna Jardine
Sports Editor – Hal Neddo
Art Editor – Darlene Wake
Senior Reporter – Elaine Ward
Junior Reporters – Joyce Baker, Junior Edwards
Sophomore Reporter – Irene Bell
Freshman Reporter – Genevieve Paskett
FFA Reporter – Jerry Baker
FHA Reporter – Delma Wight
Pep Club Reporter – Bobbie Jean Wake
Super Snooper – Janet Whiting
Advisors – Mr. Allred, Mrs. Neddo
R Club
Robert Sanders, President
Syrel Galliher, Secretary
Advisor, Coach Shaw
Twirlers [photo]
Majorette [photo]
Senior Ball [photos]
Elaine Ward – FFA Chapter Sweetheart
Joan Eames & Donna Taylor – Attendants
Kay Harper – FFA President
Senior Carnival Queen – Joyce Whiting
Freshman Dance [photos]
Senior Superlatives [photos]
– Athletics –
Chester Bishop – Co-Captain & Senior Guard
Herman Bronson – Co-Captain & Senior Wingback
Delbert Bell – Senior Center
J.S. Barlow – Senior Guard
Junior Edwards – Junior Blocker
Larry Lloyd – Junior End
Syrel Galliher – Junior Wingback
Jackie Hutchison – Sophomore Quarterback
Jay Harper – Senior Fullback
Kay Harper – Senior End
Rulon Carnahan – Senior Tackle
Duane Bessire – Senior End
Hal Neddo – Sophomore Center
Robert Sanders – Sophomore Tackle
Orvil Sears – Sophomore End
Merlin Taylor – Junior Tackle
Eugene Ward – Senior Guard
Paul Ward – Sophomore Center
Football Squad [photo]
Jay Harper – Co-Captain and Senior Guard
Kay Harper – Co-Captain and Senior Forward
Merlin Taylor – Junior Forward
Jackie Hutchison – Sophomore Forward
Orvil Sears – Sophomore Forward
Delbert Bell – Senior Center
Herman Bronson – Senior Guard
Duane Bessire – Senior Guard
Rulan Carnahan – Senior Center
Syrel Galliher – Junior Guard
Sports Review
We, the Trojans of Raft River High School, started our 1954-55 athletic season with nothing in mind but State Championships.
The season looked bright with fourteen lettermen and a strong Freshman class to help.
We started off with a bang, winning our first two games by large margins. At this point our luck changed and and Heyburn laid our first defeat into our laps. The team came back with plenty of fight making the Hagerman Pirates their next victims. Our next two games were with Paul and Declol Although we lost they knew they had been playing football and they beat us only a few points. We ended off our season with flying colors by defeating Castleford.
Raft River 33/Murtaugh 0
Raft River 32/Hansen 13
Raft River 7/Heyburn 19
Raft River 42/Hagerman 13
Raft River 7/Paul 13
Raft River 6/Declo 13
Raft River 21/Castleford 0
We were proud of our football season and went int obasketball with only vistory in ind. We had seven lettermen returning to back this up. We ended our season with a conference championship and a fourth in district play.
Raft River 70/Castleford 48
Raft River 62/Declo 36
Raft River 57/Paul 46
Raft River 49/Hagerman 36
Raft River 50/Heyburn 49
Raft River 70/Hansen 28
Raft River 83/Murtaugh 42
Raft River 75/Castleford 32
Raft River 45/Declo 56
Raft River 54/Paul 45
Raft River 68/Hagerman 50
Raft River 71/Hansen 47
Raft River 48/Heyburn 44
Raft River 82/Murtaugh 42
For the first time in the history of RRHS we participated in a State track meet. Concluding a very successful season, in which we won the East End meet and the Frosh-Soph District Meet, and placed either second, third or fourth in our other four track meets. We qualified six men to go into ht eState who represented us very well. They were:
Kay Harper: State Champion in the mile run.
Jay Harper: Tied for third in the pole vault.
Medley Relay: Second place in the state. This team was composed of Herman Bronson, Jack Hutchison, Merlin Taylor, and Eugene Ward.
We feel that we have had a successful year in athletics and we would like to express our appreciation to Coach Shaw, who has devoted so much time to the school and to the teams. We also extend our thanks to the cheerleaders and the Student Body for their support and backing throughout the year.
Mr Allred
R.J. Anderson
Jerry Baker
Joyce Baker
Wayne Baker
J.S. Barlow
Kerma Barlow
Mrs Barlow
Billy Barrett
JoAnn Barrett
Vermoyne Beecher
Delbert Bell
Irene Bell
Duane Bessire
Chester Bishop
Ivan Bishop
Gloria Brackenbury
Gerald Bronson
Herman Bronson
Carole Cahoon
Mr Carnahan
Rulon Carnahan
Mr Coltrin
Georgia Darrington
Seldon Darrow
Curtis Durfee
Delilah Durfee
Gerry Durfee
Linda Durfee
Joan Eames
Renee Eames
Junior Edwards
Larry Edwards
Nelda Edwards
Gar Elison
Robert Felhman
Syrel Galliher
Flora Gale Hall
Morris Hall
Norval Hall
Patricia Hall
Jay Harper
Kay Harper
Mr Hepworth
Helen Hitt
Jerry Hitt
Carole Holdaway
Clark Holdaway
Karen Holtman
Jackie Hutchison
Bonna Jardine
Eldon John
Glenada Jones
Larry Kempton
Janis Lloyd
Jeanette Lloyd
Larry Lloyd
Merle Lloyd
Mr Miller
Hal Neddo
Larry Neddo
Melba Neddo
Mrs Neddo
Glen Olsen
Nolen Oman
Genevieve Paskett
Kathryn Paskett
Ruth Rasmussen
Marva Rice
Kenny Richens
Cheryl Rigby
Jean Sanders
Robert Sanders
Orvil Jr Sears
Mr Shaw
Kay Simplot
Helen Smith
Mrs Smith
Donna Taylor
Merlin Taylor
Sherrel Taylor
Vera Taylor
Rochelle Thompson
Bonita Tracy
Milo Tracy
Anne Udy
Brent Udy
Kay Udy
Bobbie Jean Wake
Darlene Wake
Mrs Wake
Thales Wake
Dennis Ward
Elaine Ward
Eugene Ward
Paul Ward
Beverly Warr
Sharon Whitaker
Janet Whiting
Joyce Whiting
Delma Wight