There are so many fun memories throughout the years. From crazy hairstyles to the homecoming floats, check out these yearbooks for some cherished memories. View the available yearbooks here

Class Rosters
Each graduating class has a history. Click here to read about each one.

News Articles
Our school has a tradition of great athletes and scholars. I’d love to post links to all those available published news articles in this section. If anyone wants to write any articles that you thought should have been in the paper, we’ll put those on here too! Here’s some sports clippings and school activity clippings.
Awards and Accolades
I want to get over to the school sometime and take a picture of each of the trophies and plaques and upload those here. Again, we’ve had tremendous talent walk these halls and rarely do we get to see these awards in person.
Pass the Baton
My goal with this section will be to have a running history of the different stewards of the schools. Please help us fill in the blanks here. I eventually want to create a list of names and years for the following: principals, teachers, faculty, student body presidencies, class presidencies etc.
Pep Songs
Our pep/fight song had changed over the years. Click here to listen and recall the words.
Histories & Memories
Over the years there have been efforts made to compile histories of each decade of graduates. I’ll be uploading the ones that I have. If there are any floating around out there I’d appreciate those too.
History of the Raft River High School
Classes of ‘27 to ‘30
By J. Theo Horne, Alumni Historian
The first year of secondary schooling at Malta was a ninth grade conducted in the year 1921-22. The school board at that time consisted of Nap Smith, Orson Sanders and Matthias Udy. Miss Effie Chadwick was the only teacher. She was a brilliant person, dedicated and capable. Seventeen students were enrolled, i.e., Della Richins, Thera Elison, Golden Harper, Rawlins Harper, Horace Harper, Seth Shaw, Byron Shaw, Vera Hall, Ella Tweed, Louise, Johns, Stella Johns, Elmer Johns, Vivian Udy, Ross Richins, Pearl Taylor, Hilda Nye, and Stella Neddo. Each student paid a monthly assessment to pay Miss Chadwick’s salary. Classes were held in the old red school house and the rock rock building. Miss Chadwick lived in the home of George and Mabel Richins.
In the fall of 1924 the present Raft River High School, then called Malta High School had its beginning. There was only one teacher, Elton S. Stinson. The school board was comprised of Nap Smith, Orson Sanders, and Arthur Pearce. The two-year curricula consisted of advanced algebra, geometry and english for Sophomores and algebra, english, french, history, and general science for Freshmen.
Upper classmen, the class of ‘27, included Horace Harper, Thera Elison, Ross Richins, and Stella Neddo. Freshmen, the class of ‘28, were Lano Elison, Lloyd Harper, Floyd Harper, James Neddo, Shirley Barlow, Ruth Barlow, Inez Smith, Mabel Ransom, Eunice Park, John Nye, Farrel Kossman, Truth Kossman, and Earl Udy.
In the fall of 1925 the same school board carried the school into another year with still only one teacher, Mr. Stinson, teaching essentially the same two-year curricula.
Sophomores, class of ‘28, included Lano Elison, Lloyd Harper, Floyd Harper, James Neddo, Shirley Barlow, Ruth Barlow, Inez Smith, Bernice Shaw, Mabel Ransom, Eunice Park, John Nye, Farrel Kossman, Truth Kossman, Stella Neddo, and Earl Udy. Bernice Shaw had attended Burley High School the previous year.
Freshmen, class of ‘29, were Ida Barlow, Florence Park, Milton Neddo, Gladys Smith, Marion Nye, Margeurite Booth, Gerald Kossman, and Myrtle Rasmussen. Horace Harper went to Boise for his Junior and Senior Years. (Information from Floyd Harper 1974)
In the fall of 1926 a third year curriculum and another teacher were added. Miss Lois Albertons was the new faculty member. Juniors, class of ‘28, were Lano Elison, Lloyd Harper, Floyd Harper, James Neddo, Shirley Barlow, Ruth Barlow, Inez Smith, Bernice Shaw, Mabel Ransom, Eunice Park, John Nye, Truth Kossman, Stella Neddo, John Albert Peterson, and Earl Udy.
Sophomores, class of ‘29, were Ida Barlow, Florence Park, Milton Neddo, Gladys Smith, Lucille Ransom, Clifford Smith, Marion Nye, Margeurite Booth, Gerald Kossman, Myrtle Rasmussen, Lorin Horne, and Francis Barlow. Lorin Horne had attended Rupert High School for one year previously.
Freshmen, class of ‘30, were Annabelle Elison, Ray Udy, Lorenzo Tracy, Clifford Ransom, Katie McGraw, Deward Hall, Sarah Booth, Asahel McBride, and Theo Horne.
From Bernice Shaw Bailey’s autobiography:
“My Sophomore year was in the old two room school that is now the hot lunch room (1976) at Raft River High School. Mr. Stinson, our Principal, rules with an iron hand. I remember the Halloween that we tied a small Jack Ass to his desk. We never gave a thought to what a mess and stick the animal would make before morning. The next morning we did not have school because we spent the morning cleaning up mule mess. (I hope that my grandchildren never read this).
May Day was enjoyable for we always took a picnic and hiked west and climbed the Twin Peaks on the mountain.
My Junior year Mr. D.D. Biggers was our Principal. He was such a kind man and had the patience of job. He walked the extra mile with every one of us. ‘He cared’. Miss Albertson was our teacher also that year. She was such a refined lady. Do you remember, John Albert Peterson, when you were to give your talk in Speech Class and you told the Ant Story,
‘another ant carried another kernel of corn and another ant carried another kernel of corn and and another ant carried another kernel of corn, etc., etc.’
‘Stop John Albert! Stop John Albert!’
He did not stop until his five minutes were up. Those were fun days! (Not for Miss Albertson).”
-Bernice Shaw Bailey’s Autobiography
Fall of 1927 found the school still a three-year institution. George Neddo had replaced Arthur Pearce on the School Board and there was a new Principal, Mr. Dennis D. Biggers, and two new teachers. They were Mrs. Phebe Biggers, wife of the Principal, and Miss Alice Gay Nell Johnson.
Of the class of ‘28, Lano Elison, Floyd Harper, and Lloyd Harper went to Rexburg for their Senior year and graduated there in the spring of 1928.
Malta High School Juniors, class of ‘29, were Lorin Horne, Ida Barlow, Florence Park, Milton Neddo, Gladys Smith, Lucille Ransom, Clifford Smith, Marion Nye, and Myrtle Rasmussen.
Sophomores, class of ‘30, were Annabelle Elison, Ray Udy, Katie McGraw, Clifford Ransom, Deward Hall, Theo Horne, Rulon Horne, John Lloyd, Lorenzo Tracy, parkMartial, Orvis Parish, Edres Glenn, Hannah Jacobsen, Charles Horne, and Elizabeth Horne.
The Student Body formed an organization this year. Lorin Horne was elected President and Katie McGraw Vice President. Lorin prevailed on Bishop Sanders of the Malta LDS Ward to raise the ceiling in the church hall to make it more useable for basketball. The High School had no gymnasium of its own.
Miss Johnson, needing a way of knowing the time of day, brought her alarm clock and placed it on her desk. It was not many days until mischief as only boys can contrive it was planned and carried out. Clifford Ransom and Theo Horne thought to relieve the monotony of the usual routine and set the alarm to go off in class. Right in the middle of a literature lesson the alarm set up a terrific noise. It was quickly stifled by the teacher and she scanned the faces of the class with eyes blazing. “I don’t believe it was anyone in this class,” she stated as her gaze passed over the expressionless faces of Clifford and Theo. “They wouldn’t’ dare do that.” The boys had anticipated this very reasoning and so they obtained full benefit from their little “game” by seeing it firsthand with a minimum risk of being caught.
Beginning in September 1928, Miss Ruth Greene replaced Miss Johnson on the faculty. Of the classes of ‘28 and ‘29, Lorin Horne, Shirley Barlow, Inez Smith, Gladys Smith, Bernice Shaw, Ruth Barlow, and Marion Nye went to Albion and took enough classes in high school there to graduate while they attended their first year of college at the Albion State Normal School.
Ida Barlow and Florence Park stayed at Malta taking courses which would give them the required credits for graduation. The school was not allowed to give diplomas at the time of registration in the fall but before the end of the spring semester it became accredited for a full four course of study. In the spring of 1929 Inez Smith, Gladys Smith, and Bernice Shaw transferred credits from Albion to Malta and with Ida Barlow and Florence Park received diplomas from Malta High School, the first ever issued by the school. The Senior class for the year had been only two students, Florence and Ida, the others having been in attendance at Albion. Lorin, Shirley, Ruth, and Marion received diplomas from Albion High School.
Juniors of the year 1928-29 were Annabelle Elison, Ray Udy, Lorenzon Tracy, Rulon Horne, Theo Horne, Deward Hall, Katie McGraw, Hannah Jacobsen, and Edres Glenn. Rulon Horne was elected Student Body President but he dropped out in October and his brother Theo was elected to replace him. Ida Barlow was Vice President and Annabelle Elison was Secretary.
There was no change in the faculty or school board for the year 1929-30. The first official Senior Class, class of ‘30, consisted of Ray Udy, Annabelle Elison, Katie McGraw, Theo Horne, and Katherine Stearns. Theo Horne was reelected Study Body President after filling part of a term the year before. With the help of Asahel McBride’s sister, Verda, who had been on a student council in another school, Theo wrote a constitution for the Student Body organization. It was formally ratified and accepted for future use of the school.
This was a year for other notable “firsts”. Malta High School’s basketball team played in the State Tournament this year for the first time. Henry Belnap was coach. Players were: Centers, Theo Horne and Victory Harper; forwards, Lester Tracy, Orville Udy, and Carol Smith; guards, Lorenzo Tracy and Deward Hall. Ray Udy, on the bench with an injured knee, was acting manager. The tournament was held at Paul. We played Albion and Declo, losing to both.
A Track Meet was held at Malta this year with Elba students. In the 440 yard dash, Malta’s participants were Lorenzo Tracy, Ray Udy, and Theo Horne. Lorenzo took first place and Theo second. Times were not recorded. (We had no stop-watch).